That’s what my son, Zander says whenever he does something we’ve made a big deal about before – like counting to twelve.
“One, two, free, four, five, six…(short pause) six, eight, nine, ten, twelve… I did it!”, followed by his own ‘Yeah!!” and clapping. It’s cute. We encourage it.Â
On Friday, at 56th St and Mayo – I did it! My bike odometer rolled over 1000 miles!!! I called Stephanie. I know, its not that big a deal for some of the cyclist out there, but I can count to twelve without skipping seven and eleven. I did it! And I’m very proud!
3 replies on “I did it!”
Congrats man, I know you have been looking toward this for a long time. I am happy for you.
Well done, Dale. You’re riding your bicycle much faster than I’m riding my motorcycle.
Three weeks ago I bought a nifty little Kawasaki Ninja 500, the updated model of one I bought in 1990 and rode until about 2000. Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding at the Virginia DMV my license status is up in the air and I might have to take the complete motorcycle test — knowledge and skills demonstration. The skills demonstration is a bit of a hassle, not so much because of the skills, but because I’d have to have someone with a motorcycle license ride my bike to the exam site because technically I would not be qualified to ride the bike to the site myself. I don’t have any motorcycling friends in my part of the country so the logistics are going to be a little taxing. To avoid that I’m trying to work out the unfortunate misunderstanding administratively.
But I’ve got this bike, and I want to ride, and want to be practiced in the skills in case I need to take the test. And luckily an optimistic home developer paved a few miles of unused residential roadway a couple of years ago. With all of this justification and opportunity, and with a concern that riding fast and too often would attract unwanted attention, I have had four one hour practice session and have logged a total of 32 miles. A whopping 8 miles per hour! I can do the slow ride like nobody’s business.
My personal goal is to get myself licensed and riding at the speed limit before Dale logs his next thousand miles!
Way to go Dale!