
Pictures – lots of ’em

Ok – there are many many stories behind most of these pictures, but I don’t know what I will have time to blog them all – but hey, they say a picture is worth a thousand words… Just click on any of the pictures to see the larger album of photos.

Zander being awesome!
Zander being awesome!

San Francisco
San Francisco


Muir Woods
Muir Woods

That's a big Tree!
That's a big Tree!

The Beach!
The Beach!

Lexi at the beach

I have a lot more pics to post when we get home – but this one is sooooo cute I had to stop long enough to post it…

Lexi's first trip to the beach!

Another LA Riots?

I’m here on vacation, waiting on my wife and kids to get up and I came across this article that has me concerned.  Its a political piece written by Pat Buchanan that asks the question “And if Obama Loses?”  Do you remember the LA Riots?  If you are over the age of twenty, I’m sure you do.  The post I read this morning didn’t go so far as to connect the two events in any way, but I wonder if we could be in for a dangerous November Tuesday.

If Obama wins, I worry for the country.  I like that he is concerned for many of the same issues I am concerned with, but I disagree with him on every single action plan he has suggested to solve those issues.  He also lacks the experience.  I know there are many that argue that experience is not an issue, however if you were inventing your money in a major cooperation, and they were voting on a new CEO that lacked the experience to do that job, you might consider selling… The nation is much more important that my stocks and I want a President with the life experiences to help guild him through the job.  The real danger, however, in Obama isn’t that he lacks the experience needed to be president but, in my opinion, that he lacks the wisdom to know it

But back to Buchana’s question, what if Obama loses?  Will there be riots?  I seems like a rediculous question to ask – but I couldn’t believe the riots in LA back in 1992, and I’ve seen riots in Ohio over a football game – “we lost the game, that means I can get with a few hundred of my friends, turn over cars and set houses on fire!”