
Will Blog for Food

I’m still at work – and have been working late everyday for a little over a week now.  I do enjoy my job, but working late every night…  I’m glad to have a job in these economic times, but I don’t want to always have to count on a job to pay my bills – I want to create multiple sources of income.  Stephanie created A Baby Connection, which has slowed down to a crawl since Thanksgiving – but its still a growing business.  I also own – a website hosting company.  And I recently partnered with a co-worker to create Kinetic Market – an IT Consulting company.  But is it possible to make money doing something I love?

I love to talk about the Bible, Politics, Economics, Faith, Relationships, etc.  I love to write about those things, which is why I blog… Could I make money blogging?  A friend of mine has been looking into it for himself and has me convinced that I can.  I’m not looking to get rich, but getting paid to talk about stuff that I already love to talk about… AWESOME!

I’ll let you know if the money starts pouring in…