My Weight Loss myThoughts

Back in The Saddle Again…

Thank you for flooding my email box with concern about my lack of posting regarding weightloss – it was touching that you noticed my weekly update turned into monthly (er… not even) updates.  I was overwhelmed that you guys would not let me quit!… (cricket, cricket, cricket…) 

OK, so maybe you guys didn’t notice – but I did fall off the ‘horse’ so to speak.  Chances are you did notice, but what do you say?

“Hey lazy, did you start stuffing your face and quit riding your bike?”

YES! Accountability is the only thing we have to help each other meet our goals in life.  Ok — I cannot give you guys a speech about not helping me – I’m the one the quit.  I have tons of excuses – but excuses will get me on a talk show called ‘Donahue saves a fat man’.  I jest…

I’m back in the saddle again!  I rode my bike to work today.  It’s freezing cold outside (I think it was like 67 degrees)… For those of you in the north stop laughing, 67 is down right cold after a summer of 115.  Anyway, I made it and I enjoyed it.  I hope to get the weekly update section back into a weekly affair…

4 replies on “Back in The Saddle Again…”

Yea, Dale!! I’m proud of you. It takes alot to start back up again. And you didn’t stop to get on the bus. You rode your bike the whole way, the first day back in the saddle. :o) I’m in love with you.

Hey Dale– your the man. It’s really difficult to get off on it again, ESPECIALLY when it’s cold! It was a bone chilling 30 degrees here in Indiana this morning. I will certainly trade your 60’s reading, but relatively speaking it was colder there. I commend you on your endeavors to loosing pounds again. Pray for me too– we both are in a similar situation. Maybe some posts on “diet” and other secrets other than riding and walking might be in order. I struggle most with the other end of things. Anyone can ride their bike once, but doing it day in and out and sticking to one helping at the kitchen table, not three is really hard…


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