
The Measure of a Man

Tonight I started a 10 week class at my church called “The Measure of a Man”. It’s a small class of about 10 men and I decided to take it so that I could get to know a few of the men of the church in a more intimate setting. I’m not sure what I expected exactly but I quickly noticed that it was different than my undefined expectations. Now some may assume when I say ‘different’ that I intend some negative connotation, however I assure you I mean no such thing.

I spent the evening with this small group of men learning about Spiritual Maturity. The course work itself seems to be sufficient to accomplish the task, and the teacher did a wonderful job facilitating conversation, interaction, and participation. We learned about “Paul’s Maturity Profile”, taken from 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-10.

From those text, the course extrapolates twenty points to which a mature Christian would adhere. These maturity traits range from Not Given to Wine and Husband of One Wife to Prudent and Not contentious. Of the list of twenty, I found that I match exactly three traits – I am not given to wine, I am a husband of one wife, and I am not a new convert. I should like to take some bit of pride in having three of these traits however in doing so I violate several others, not to mention the fact that although I am not given to wine, I consider myself a gluten and by not being a new convert, I would think I should have by now obtained more than simply three traits from this list, leaving me with only the one left to be proud – I am still the husband of one wife. My wife considers this a virtue to her credit and not mine.


The AG goes Foursquare?

Ok – many of you may not have a clue as to what the AG or the Foursquare are. I grew up in a Foursquare church (it’s a denomination) but I spent many years in the Assemblies of God (The AG) – another denomination. The core beliefs of both denominations are very close.

As the name implies, the Foursquare denomination ( is based on the four fold ministry of Jesus – The Savior, The Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, The Healer, and The Soon-Coming King.

The Assemblies of God has 16 “Statements of Fundamental Truth” (found here). Now they may have always valued a subset of those fundamental truths over the others as ‘core beliefs’, but I have only recently noticed a prominence given on the AG website to four of those 16 statements. What four you might ask? Salvation Through Jesus Christ, Divine Healing, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and The Second Coming of Christ. Hmmm… I’m noticing a similarity to the Foursquare.

The Foursquare has a long standing logo to represent the four fold ministry. The AG recently added a new logo to there site. What do you think of the two?


I’m sure it’s only coincidence…


Many of you know that I have been a Bible Reading advocate for many year.  I believe if we would spend more time reading the Bible and less time reading Harry Potter (or worse, watching TV and not reading at all), our lives would be better.  Many of you share my belief that the Bible is the great collection of writings available today, but like me you have found times in your life where you just don’t read the Bible.  I joined an online reading group hosted at that read through the Bible twice a year for a couple of years.  I found it difficult to get others to read through at that seven chapters a day pace.

Anyway, Jason Fisher and I have started a new Bible reading initiative that we hope will bring more people on board with their own devotional plans – whether that is one chapter a day, or one book a day.  We hope to connect people with the resources they need to be successful in Bible reading with Advice Articles, Study Notes, Links to online Bibles, and the like.  You will notice a new tab on my site that links to  I hope you take a moment to check it out, send your feedback, and start reading!

Here is the site:
