- @sarahsundae 4 miles by 9:30am on a Sunday? Of course I have no idea what time it is for you… still thx for the inspiration! #
- 2011 will be a year of new shoes for me – I plan on running 750 miles or more & maybe losing some weight in the process! #
- #2010memories is trending – I'm looking ahead to 2011 – I will take a min 2 reflect b/c I did lose over 20lbs & grad college in my 30s! #
- Inspiredby Will Smith's speech re: running&reading, can't decide if its comfortingORdisturbing that little voice sayin quit doesn't go away! #
- 4 Xmas, I got myself an exted life batt 4 my HTC EVO – best decision ever! Google got me a laptop! Best part of Xmas, spending time w/ kids #
- Going for a slow jog… Should be 5 miles in about 1:10ish #
- Workout started at 01:02 PM #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 1.00 mi in 13:39, 13:37min/mile, 4.40mph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 2.01 mi in 27:11, 13:33min/mile, 4.42mph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 3.00 mi in 40:24, 13:27min/mile, 4.46mph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 4.04 mi in 55:51, 13:50min/mile, 4.34mph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 5.00 mi in 01:09:02, 13:48min/mile, 4.35mph, #iMapMyRun #
- Completed: Regular Run 5.03mi in 01:09:33, 13:46min/mile, 4.36mph, 753kCal #iMapMyRun #
- @inchristus I'm not for censorship, but I think I could be on board with this one… #
- told Zander Xmas Gifts are symbolic of the love of God – he said then why don't we give xmas gifts to bad guys? – out of the mouth of babes #
- @jasonrfisher hey, I bit the bullet and picked up the ext life batt for the EVO… OMG AMAZING! Worth every penny! #
- @benhainline fiance` huh? Congrats! #
- @RoniNoone my post holiday note to self wasn't as elegant: http://wp.me/poMWg-K4 #
- What else would you expect the bathroom sign at a fine restaurant to say? http://twitpic.com/3kdtwr #
- Watching this video about texting and driving… Thought I would tweet it while I drive home before I forget… http://bit.ly/gzy5wL #
- Wow… Joking aside, watch this video and stop playing with your phone while driving http://bit.ly/gzy5wL #
- I wanted @pizzahut but after 2 computers & 3 browsers w/ this same error – @dominos wins my money today http://twitpic.com/3kp71p #
- 3am, I'm up w/ a sick kid – wife is in bed w/ other sick kid – last night, now tonight, I really need these kids to get better NOW! #
- I should have grabbed my coat – Its freezing in McD – trying to get some work done away from the house, sick kids, etc… but I'm too cold! #
- it was too cold, had to leave mcd… #
- I want to go to the zoo today but with sick kids and the high is only in the fifty's today… Great vacation time… Argh! #
- I'm still a bit shocked that @googlechrome gave me a free laptop – using it right now… pretty amazing… #
- #Chrome notebooks, for people who live on the web: http://goo.gl/6DEYw #
- listening to Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville, thinking about my brother Jeremy… can't wait to see you next month bro! #
- I like 2 think I'm a hard worker – truth is I'm super lazy but smart enough 2 get a lot done w/ little effort – if only I ALSO worked hard! #
- I didn't run Tuesday or Wednesday – my kids are sick & the weather sucks, but I have a race Friday night!!! ARRGGGHHH… #
- @inchristus yes – trying to explain the sovereignty in terms we get are destined to be too simplistic b/c of our limited ability to understd #
- Check this video out — Chrome Features http://t.co/OjIXQ0l via @youtube #
- I liked a YouTube video — Chrome Features http://youtu.be/SC-2VGBHFQI?a #
- @jkielmeyer stop working on vacation! :o) #
- @problogger so at least you know its a good post… LOL #
- Workout started at 09:33 PM #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 1.01 mi in 10:26, 10:22min/mile, 5.79mph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 2.01 mi in 22:20, 11:07min/mile, 5.39mph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 3.00 mi in 33:45, 11:15min/mile, 5.33mph, #iMapMyRun #
- Completed: Run 3.15mi in 00:36:00, 11:18m/mi, 5.28mi/h, 480kCal #iMapMyRun #
- @starcye how far did you run? did you know the imapmyrun app I use is available on blackberry? #
- listening 2 grooveshark, a motown style song plays – i'm groovin' 2 it b/f I realize what he is singing: the song "F*** You" by Cee-Lo Green #
- #youlookgoodbut I'm cooler than you… #
- how silly it must be to see me (275lb guy) running down the road singing w/ Rihanna in my head phones "I'm the only girl in the world"… #
- Before we start toasting the new year – Stephanie and I are running the Midnight Madness 3 Mile Run – I'm hoping for 33mins flat! #
- @AngieAllTheWay get a good nights sleep – a great way to bring in the New Year.. #
- 2010 is leaving – 2011 brings new beginnings… #
- #269 Goodbye 2010 – and 20lbs http://t.co/adzRfSO #
- Race starts in just a few more mins… http://twitpic.com/3lvm1i #
- My bib for the race… 3 miles I'm hoping for sub 33 min total time http://twitpic.com/3lvnhl #
- @MapMyRun Started a workout. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:32:11, Pace 10.71min/mi, Speed 5.60mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 3.10mi in 00:33:29 with a 10.78min/mi pace and 5.56mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #
- Omg!!! I did it! @MapMyRun I completed a Run for 3.11mi in 00:33:28 #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun Started a workout. #mapmyfitness #
- Nice slow run today… 5 miles #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 1.00mi, Duration 00:14:07, Pace 14.07min/mi, Speed 4.27mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 2.00mi, Duration 00:28:34, Pace 14.28min/mi, Speed 4.20mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- The WALMART Run… http://twitpic.com/3m3dc0 #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:43:33, Pace 14.51min/mi, Speed 4.13mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 4.00mi, Duration 00:58:56, Pace 14.73min/mi, Speed 4.07mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 5.00mi in 01:13:35 with a 14.72min/mi pace and 4.08mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #
- I subscribed to googlechrome's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/googlechrome?feature=autoshare #
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