
Singing in the Rain – part 2

So if  you read my first Singing in the Rain post, then you know I have been dealing with my old mortgage company in Ohio, my landlord in AZ, and the tax man from washington – ok, I don’t know where the tax man lives – can it could be a woman for all I know – regardless, I’ve been dealing with all three.  Well, I wanted to give an update.

I sold the condo in Ohio – it was a short sell and I did blog about it in a post called “Sold!”.  If you don’t know – a short sell is when you sell a property for less than you own and the mortgage company takes the loses.  Its bad for your credit, but not as bad as a foreclosure.  That is done – and I’m finally rid of it!

My landlord situation was simply that my landlord was selling the home and asked that I either allow strangers to come through the home on 24 hours notice to look at it while it was on the market and to be prepared to move out within 30 days of a sell.  My second choice was to move out.  I choose option number two.  We found a new place – its very nice, but more expensive.  I will post pictures after we get unpacked – we moved this past weekend (which should be a seperate blog entry, but I don’t know if I will get one up or not…)

And last, the tax man.  I’m not done with this one yet (or should I say, they aren’t done with me yet?).  Anyway, I called the IRS and simply told them I needed more time to gather the information they are asking for because I was in the middle of a move.  They gave me a 30 day extention.  I’m still not sure if I will end up paying the $5k they say I owe – I personally feel very strongly that they are wrong and I hope I can prove it.

Until next time…