- 40 is NOT the new 30. 30 is NOT the new 20. We tell ourselves that to feel younger. From what I can tell, 20 is the new 30 w/o the wisdom #
- @jasonrfisher ME TOO!!! I'm concerned about several things however. $10/month addon despite no 4G in phx & Sprint's move to LTE in reply to jasonrfisher #
- today, I'm learning cPanel, Magento, and brushing up on phpMySQL – and b/c I don't bill learning hours, none of this is billable – urrr! #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 23, 2010 Zander flying a kite http://youtu.be/kl2xhUhhK-Q?a #
- I don't thing I have ever txt'ed in a tweet… #
- I don't tweet enough anymore to have actual interaction with my tweople… sorry gang… I'm trying to get back to it… #
- Mommy and baby fell down the stairs! http://twitpic.com/1r09v0 #
- Aiden (10 months old) fell down the stairs today (w/ Mommy!) & hit his head – got me thinking… If he had amnesia, how would we know?!?!? #
- I subscribed to GoogleDevelopers's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleDevelopers?feature=autoshare #
- Listening to the nasa channel – didn't realize the shuttle has to bank back and forth like a skier down the slopes to slow down #Atlantis #
- Quote: What you say should be ALL of the following: True, Kind and Necessary. (http://bit.ly/cZ0mwP – hmmmm… uh oh #
- for my geeks: http://sannsack.com/technology/magento-pre-checks-how-to-install-curl-gd-mcrypt-and-pdo-using-cpanel-whm-yeah-its-easy #
- And so the day begins… http://twitpic.com/1ruj36 #
- After only two rides… http://twitpic.com/1rv0hp #
- Opening minutes of the day http://twitpic.com/1rv17q #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 28, 2010 4:43 PM http://youtu.be/4TveEp9xrYA?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 29, 2010 Lexi buried in sand http://youtu.be/82U24BsOOyA?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 29, 2010 My kids dancing in a trashed hotel room… http://youtu.be/Gam8RmHDG1Q?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 29, 2010 Zander playing @ the beach http://youtu.be/B4e0jczeb0w?a #
- just posted a few videos from our trip (which we are still on) – http://www.youtube.com/dalebert77 #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 29, 2010 My kids @ the beach http://youtu.be/jp-V4TdC9HE?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — May 29, 2010 2 mins of the beach, ocean, wind… http://youtu.be/yKYQCAF3wG4?a #
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