My first “Moments of Insanity” thought since I started writing the book – Saturday night (Aug 18th), on the way home from my brother’s house, riding in the car with Cher, Dad, Dianne, Zander, and Ava – I thought to myself – I should go a month without watching TV. It just hit me. We were not talking about TV in the car. It didn’t flow with any of our conversations of the night.
But there it was – no TV for a month. So I thought to myself, how do I determine a ‘moment of insanity’ from a wild crazy uninspired thought? Maybe I’ll have to explore that as a chapter in the book. Maybe I will also need a whole chapter on fasting – fasting food, TV, computer time, any kind of fasting. For now, I am forced to deal with this current idea of fasting television. Is it inspired? I’ll let you know after a month of no television (today is day 2 of 30).
… an entire month without any kind of TV?!?! That’s just crazy!
2 replies on “Thirty Days”
All this time with no TV and you haven’t found anything good to blog about?!?!?!
[…] you read my post a month ago (30 days), then you know that for the last thirty days I’ve been fasting Television (or at least […]