- @MapMyRun Started a workout. #mapmyfitness #
- I asked my 3yr daughter how many fingers she has – she held up four fingers and said "three"… #
- @SoloRunner why not? in reply to SoloRunner #
- I feel bad – a girl scout came by asking if we wanted cookies – I told her I buy from a co-worker – which is true, but what's one more box? #
- watching the game – dealing w/ an extreme craving for wings – like I want to eat 30 or 40 right NOW – and I'm not even hungry… argghh! #
- I completed a Run for 1.02mi in 00:08:32 with a 8.37min/mi pace and 7.17mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Closing ceremony at winter camp http://youtu.be/QCyC0AfoF4I?a #
- @reesemitchell nope… it just worked! in reply to reesemitchell #
- @GilShuga I ended up with a dozen wings and a basket of fries! in reply to GilShuga #
- OMG – is this even legal??? https://www.premiergoldcards.com/CardDetails.aspx?appid=OT11012501127HWHP 59.9% interest rates!?!?!?! #
- @fring any word on gingerbread support? All FCs for me on Evo with CM7 #
- only caught the tail end of the #SOTU address – wasn't overwhelmed with any of what I heard… #
- I'm watching the guy from House take questions at the white house after the #SOTU address… #
- I'm @gangplank for the #wcphx GPL debate – very cool collaborative workplace! I'm so excited for #wcphx I feel like a total geektard! #
- @hotdogsladies not a bad feature request… I like it… point made… now stop it… LOL in reply to hotdogsladies #
- RT @gangplank: WordCamp Phoenix GPL Debate Brownbag #wcphx http://bit.ly/hlrkmu #
- @jkielmeyer idk – you could be in sunny AZ working remote at a wifi spot like I am… :o) in reply to jkielmeyer #
- Just minutes away from the #wcphx kick off event… Are you as excited as I am? #
- have you seen this place? Pretty awesome: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gallegosdesigns/5373628165/ #
- I'm a little out of place w/ my ChromeOS CR-48 laptop & my Android HTC Evo (running CM6), in a sea of Mac's and iPhones #wcphx @gangplank #
- @jasonrfisher thanks for sharing… in reply to jasonrfisher #
- ladies and gentlemen of the jury… opening line of the legal debate here @gangplank #wcphx #
- I disagree – this isn't a moral question – its a legal one… #wcphx #
- api's are how any program makes its utility inter-operable with other works – my use of those api's are fair use – period… #wcphx #
- I wonder if the reason we used termsmash instead of WordPress in this debate was to remove the passions people have about the issue #wcphx #
- If so – it didn't work #wcphx #
- these guys seem a bit nervous… #wcphx #
- I TOTALLY over ate at #wcphx – thanks for the lunch! #
- does term smash own the ocean simply because they poured their can of tomato soup into it… #wcphx #
- I must be arrogant here because it seems so clear to me that api calls do not constitute a GPL infringement #wcphx #
- @boldavenue if 100's of 1000's of users are on an open source platform, ur work in that space will already have a market #wcphx in reply to boldavenue #
- @boldavenue completely agree – % is not important – the ? is the content – if its just api calls that is fair use, not subject to GPL #wcphx in reply to boldavenue #
- I don't think we settled anything here… #wcphx #
- Glad I came b/c I got to know about @gangplank but didn't get as much out of the actual debate as I had hoped #wcphx #
- Facebook sync is back on… #
- At a Glenfiddich scotch tasting… 12, 15, 18, 21 yr old scotch… #
- Good morning… 5 mile run anyone? #
- @jasonrfisher I bet the gym has heat… in reply to jasonrfisher #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 1.00mi, Duration 00:13:05, Pace 13.05min/mi, Speed 4.60mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 2.00mi, Duration 00:26:02, Pace 13.00min/mi, Speed 4.62mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:38:58, Pace 12.98min/mi, Speed 4.62mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 4.00mi, Duration 00:53:01, Pace 13.24min/mi, Speed 4.53mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 5.00mi, Duration 01:07:39, Pace 13.52min/mi, Speed 4.44mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
- @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 5.03mi in 01:08:04 with a 13.54min/mi pace and 4.43mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #
- @PhxWordCamp how can I tell if I am able 2 attend tomorrow? I bought a ticket months ago but I don't think I "signed up" 4 specific classes #
- @TheFrosty @PhxWordCamp what's early??? I'm planning to attend.. in reply to TheFrosty #
- @gangplank I wish I could have made it out there tonight… I told several of my co-workers that we need to have an offsite there sometime! in reply to gangplank #
- Anybody else going to #wcphx with a CR-48 laptop? #
- I can't wait on you anymore @google – I need a bulk web upload option for pics so even though I paid 4 picasa storage, I'm moving 2 flickr #
- @jasonrfisher at 1st I was like FireFox? Then I remembered a co-worker says "F*** Face" all the time – THEN I was like, oh yeah followfriday in reply to jasonrfisher #
- On my way to #wcphx !!! woooohoooo! #
- @TheFrosty lol… I guess I missed it! #wcphx in reply to TheFrosty #
- I'm here!!! #wcphx #
- SkySong #wcphx http://t.co/ylCmaKU #
- If you couldn't make it to the child theme session – here are the slides: http://austinpassy.com/presentations/wordcamp-phoenix.php #wcphx #
- @mizzle Nice! #wcphx in reply to mizzle #
- covering framework themes #wcphx – not much going on yet… #
- I think I'm the only #wcphx attendee that uses twitter AND went to the child theme class… doh! #
- didn't realize how many designers use DreamWeaver – I use vim… #wcphx #
- just paid for flickr upgraded storage – now I can upload all my pics in a few clicks!!! Yeah! #
- @FrancesFlynnTho #wcphx what does that buy me over single purposed installs? I'm at the theme class, but Multisite sounds interesting… in reply to FrancesFlynnTho #
- are there any online resources from the multisite class? #wcphx I'm at child themes – wanted to do both! :o) #
- #wcphx just learned about wordpress menus… #
- how did I NOT Know about menus? I've been using WordPress for years!!! #wcphx #
- @andrea_r I'm not AT the multisite class – I'm over at SkySong in the child themes class – thanks for the info! #wcphx in reply to andrea_r #
- @chousmith thanks – checking it out… #wcphx in reply to chousmith #
- slow start for me over here in the child themes class – but its getting interesting! #wcphx #
- @dnnsldr usually vim… #wcphx in reply to dnnsldr #
- Knitting? Not exactly the activity I expected at #wcphx http://t.co/ucnUxmS #
- wow – I didn't realize how long its been since I've looked under the WordPress covers! Actions, hooks, menus, so glad I came today! #wcphx #
- @FrancesFlynnTho any chance the streaming will be available AFTER the class is over? in reply to FrancesFlynnTho #
- my job just called – I have to dial into work – doh! #wcphx #
- @jkielmeyer You know you have one of the coolest jobs on the planet, right? BTW – still amazing weather here in Phoenix! in reply to jkielmeyer #
- @oh_amanda Just shows how diverse the WordPress community really is! #wcphx in reply to oh_amanda #
- what's for lunch? Is it too early to be thinking about lunch? I guess I should have grabbed breakfast this morning! #wcphx #
- @TheFrosty great session! I had to leave early, but I really enjoyed this morning! in reply to TheFrosty #
- left #wcphx early to have lunch with my wife – but she didn't show… should have stayed in Chandler! #
- @Flickr why wouldn't you have http://www.flickr.com/account/geo/exif turned on by default??? I just uploaded hundreds of photos w/o that on! #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Aiden crying http://youtu.be/5lSs_p02zYk?a #
- I *should* be fast asleep dreaming of WordCamp goodness – instead I'm uploaded Flickr photos & loading GingerBread to my Evo #wcphx #
- @aaronjorbin yes – but I shouldn't be! #wcphx in reply to aaronjorbin #
- @erictorres I'm up and ready – leaving in a few… in reply to erictorres #
- @azrtist @azbubba @sweetluna I'm coming from Maricopa City – does that count as "west valley" or just north of Mexico? :D #wcphx in reply to azrtist #
- Take it back google, you take that back! http://t.co/APlLGnu #wcphx #
- Is there coffee at #wcphx or should I pick up some on the way? #
- just made a total fool of myself yelling for an angry bird at #wcphx – I think I scared the guys around me – AND I DIDN'T GET ONE!!! Doh! #
- just minutes left before I have to pick a class – and I STILL have no idea which want to go to! #wcphx #
- Wow – Cox is giving level 2 suport passes to everyone at WordCamp Phx! #wcphx #
- the mariachi band was great!!! #wcphx #
- Solution THEN Platform – unless you already know you want WordPress, right? #wcphx #
- In the design session – design roadmap for small biz – #wcphx #
- Leave room (to tell a story) #wcphx #
- arrgghhh!!!! I'm all excited to sport my CR-48 @googlechrome laptop at #wcphx UNTIL it just dropped connection and crashed!!! #fail #
- Stories Should be Hyperreal #wcphx #
- Blog (with a purpose) — From the design class #wcphx #
- Test and Measure – last of the five principles from the Design Roadmap for small biz #wcphx #
- the speaker just got a phone call during the presentation – AWESOME!!! #wcphx #
- Tell a designer your problem – not YOUR solution — AMEN!!! #wcphx #
- He just used sifi show Fringe to make a website design point – and he did it well! #wcphx #
- Obvious Clear and Awesome! #wcphx #
- seriously – WAY TO GO @PhxWordCamp – you guys have really rocked it this year!!!! #wcphx #
- Chuck U – what a great name! #wcphx #
- I'm looking at an x/y scale of Difficulty / Pain in the Ass / Potential Return – with y being None, A little, Ave, Alot, Shitload – #wcphx #
- Make your design DEVELOPER friendly!!! THANK YOU! #wcphx #
- I think I just got 'shhhhh'ished – sorry man, didn't mean to take away from your experience at #wcphx #
- Loving the charts brought to the design class!!! #wcphx #
- @chrisegg Awesome! – I'm shocked at how many notepads there are around here – this is a tech conf, right? – WordCamp for Amish #wcphx in reply to chrisegg #
- "people want to look at your package" – direct quote during the design class #wcphx #
- @psexton huh? I've had signal to my HTC Evo all day! #wcphx in reply to psexton #
- @courdek Anybody can drawl, right? LOL – #wcphx in reply to courdek #
- Going through the history of media – starting with PAPER? Awesome! #wcphx #
- sooo jealous of @chrisegg with his ipad right now… #wcphx #
- getting the "F"s of web 2.0… #wcphx #
- any chance we can get a copy of ALL of the presentations at #wcphx – @PhxWordCamp #
- "we spend our saturday's at a conf about blogging software…" quote from #wcphx #
- a walk down memory lane… I used to be an altavista users… wow – good times… #wcphx #
- People are the new content – influence is the new distribution – great quote from #wcphx #
- why all the @FoxNews haters at #wcphx #
- @Luetta love it – awesome… did you just take a pic in the ladies room??? LOL #wcphx in reply to Luetta #
- blogging = naked ambition? – quote during #wcphx #
- @boldavenue Monetizing the non-sucky way in reply to boldavenue #
- @marisap interesting – the other "news" networks do that same thing – but hide their bias, @FoxNews is up front about it in reply to marisap #
- @JohnJamesJacoby I'm on a ChromeOS laptop with Google DNS – no issues (with speed) – what makes you think its DNS? #wcphx in reply to JohnJamesJacoby #
- the red on the RITZ box IS the best red ever! #wcphx #
- anyone catch the saymedia presenter's twitter handle? #wcphx – oh, which leads me to why aren't the speakers handles on phxWordCamp.com? #
- @losama total worth the $$ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003SNIR7Y #
- k – I got it – and it was on the phxWordCamp site – awesome! his handle is @sippey – great presentation BTW #wcphx #
- @psexton you have cursed me!!! I lost signal… arrghhh – well, wifi works! in reply to psexton #
- speaker to guy getting up to taking pics in front row – I think they r doing a video, so u can save those – the seats are comfortable #wcphx #
- SEO – planning / execution / consistency – execution section reads – do all that stuff from your planning phase… AWESOME! #wcphx #
- I enjoyed the monetizing class, but @coreyeulas on SEO was more help toward monetizing IMHO – #wcphx #
- as people walk out early – @coreyeulas says "I'm leaving, this guy sux!" – love his energy and style! #wcphx #
- Enjoying lunch at #wcphx #
- hoping to learn some pretty cool tricks at the CSS tricks class #wcphx #
- can someone explain why buddypress? What's the use case? #wcphx #
- listening to southern bell @saracannon at #wcphx #
- if you are looking for the CSS slides – http://www.slideshare.net/saracannon #wcphx #
- if you take a sec to check out @saracannon on twitter – her avatar doesn't do her justice – #wcphx #justsayin #
- WordPress.org uses CSS3 features – ROCK ON WordPress! #wcphx #
- cool – using opacity to avoid separate images for hover over effect #wcphx #
- just learned about css3pie.com from @saracannon #wcphx #
- its going to be a process – forever – get used to it – you are going to have to keep learning! awesome quote from @saracannon #wcphx #
- I just NOW realized that I'm not going 2 learn HOW 2 do much @ #wcphx – I'm going 2 learn WHAT CAN BE DONE – now I have 2 go figure out how! #
- ok – the "multi platform" slide was a mac, ipad, and iphone – I think @saracannon is an apple fangirl – where was the android love? #wcphx #
- put max widths on everything – please! no one can read a paragraph that's not a paragraph anymore – quote from @saracannon #wcphx #
- @chrisegg I bet our speaker is better looking too! :o) #wcphx in reply to chrisegg #
- knew this was coming; just didnt realize how soon – if you don't know CSS – you r going 2 have a hard time building post web2.0 sites #wcphx #
- CSS Tricks – I really wish this class had more time – thanks @saracannon #wcphx #
- after spending all day in the main building – walking to the reality class room is like heading to the basement – #justsayin #wcphx #
- listening to @corymiller303 teach about lead generation… #wcphx #
- I took a chance; I hit publish – quote from @corymiller303 #wcphx #
- go blog yourself – quote from @corymiller303 #wcphx #
- my blog was a 600 page resume – quote from @corymiller303 #wcphx #
- knitting again! At a tech conf… just WOW… http://twitpic.com/3u7vnx #wcphx #
- Make sure you guys give a shout out and thank you to @Amandablum for all her hard work at @PhxWordCamp #wcphx #
- @palermo4 @scottcate there is a Microsoft booth? #wcphx in reply to palermo4 #
- RT: go blog yourself – quote from @corymiller303 #wcphx #
- #wcphx if I had dreamweaver i would design better websites! #
- #wcphx GeeZus! #
- #wcphx I don't know why I SOOOO want to win something – but I DO!!! #
- #wcphx "God is watching" – new favorite quote from @PhxWordCamp #
- #wcphx DreamWeaver would be REALLY awesome!!! I want one!!! #
- #wcphx did she give away the dreamweaver??? #
- loving the speed talks!!! oh, and the wifi is SICK speeds right now! #wcphx #
- write drunk edit sober – quote from speed talks #wcphx #
- There is NEVER a single right solution – there are ALWAYS multiple wrong solutions – quote from speed talks #wcphx #
- I think its pretty cool to see my avatar on multiple screens as everyone has tweetdeck up and are following #wcphx #
- Ignore the noise – b/c stupid people don't matter anyway – great quote from speed talks #wcphx #
- this guy is passionate about IE9 #wcphx #
- Microsoft – give that guy a raise – he did a great job @PhxWordCamp talking about IE9 #wcphx #
- had full day @PhxWordCamp on CR-48 ChromeOS laptop – never plugged in, crashed once, uploaded 4gigs of photos to flickr, pretty cool #wcphx #
- magic.php – what a great name for a php file #wcphx #
- about to head over to the after party – @PhxWordCamp was AMAZING!!! #wcphx #
- @WatchDotTV boooo boooo hisssss – must be present to win right? drawl again – but this time find my card!!! :o) #wcphx in reply to WatchDotTV #
- This is just how geeks roll at #wcphx http://t.co/FTnWfE9 #
- They opened the after party before the police officer… No bar until the cops show, chandler law! #wcphx #
- Lexi (3yr) just asked if I wanted to play dolls – when I said no she replied, but my dolls r really cool daddy! – how could I say no 2 that? #
- @AngieAllTheWay rice cereal here – never thought of avocado… in reply to AngieAllTheWay #
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