- I uploaded a YouTube video — Daddy takes Lexi down the slide http://youtu.be/HT3uW-P8R4g?a #
- how out of touch does Hollywood have to be to think that whale wars and the cove will "change your life"? I know I'll never eat whale again! #
- My 6 yr old son just called me back so he could hang up first… lol… #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Zander and Lexi dancing to american idol… http://youtu.be/7GBvmgimB-s?a #
- Listening to Jake Hamilton's "The Great I AM" from his album Marked by Heaven… gotta say, I'm loving it… #
- @karamellow1 Where are you that you have Wild Boar? Here in AZ we have javelina – which look like wild boar but are actually large rats! in reply to karamellow1 #
- @karamellow1 Congrats on the pulpit time… I haven't preached in a long time… Too long… in reply to karamellow1 #
- I recently connected my LinkedIn account 2 my twitter account – I'm not sure I want that – sharing personal thoughts with business contacts? #
- testing filtered tweets to LinkedIn using the #In tag… #
- @jkielmeyer Just checked out the convo between SL and Dave – some people cannot be pleased no matter how hard you try! in reply to jkielmeyer #
- how are your new year's resolutions going? #In #
- @ababyconnection Comments on your blog are closed… was that on purpose? in reply to ababyconnection #
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