- @MommaDJane yes… Sundau through Monday… :o) in reply to MommaDJane #
- At church… Wishing we had a hashtag and a bunch of tweople here… #
- @haggardhosting LOL… I have my bible app open right now… But that's just to explain y I have my phone out… :o) in reply to haggardhosting #
- @MommaDJane yeah… Could be from not blogging in like 2 weeks!!! in reply to MommaDJane #
- Steve Jobs said: "No one will be using Flash. The world is moving to HTML5." http://bit.ly/bvCj6W #
- Pastor just explained Matt 24 in a way I haven't heard before… #
- am I the only 1 that can't stand the McDonald's coffee commercial with the JERK that won't let anyone talk 2 him before he has his coffee? #
- @betsela turn off ie6 support – just run a script that makes people upgrade to use your site – Microsoft won't support it, why should you? in reply to betsela #
- my daughter is the most amazing 2 yr old girl ever… http://twitpic.com/getlo #
- @AngieAllTheWay You're pregos?!?!? Congrats! in reply to AngieAllTheWay #
- wow – OK, just found my new favorite website help blog http://doctype.tv #
- @betsela http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-ie6update/ or http://ie6update.com/ or http://www.ie6nomore.com/ all have code in reply to betsela #
- @betsela I wouldn't ignore – just run one of the scripts to tell users to upgrade – its better for them and you… :o) in reply to betsela #
- http://twitpic.com/10ypli – I love her too dad but this is ridiculous! #
- As I'm leaving 4 work, my son (6) says I love u, I say love u 2! He calls back as the door shuts behind me, I SUPER LOVE YOU!!! :o) #
- http://twitpic.com/119ab0 – Nice rainbow! #
- Happy Birthday @ababyconnection (Stephanie) #
- Missed the Budweiser Shootout today… I'm excited NASCAR is back!!! #
- I'm tired, it was a long week, Next wk looks 2 B longer, I think I injured my knee n football practice Tuesday, thanks 4 letting me complain #
- I'll sleep when I'm dead, until then I have a lot of stuff to do… #
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