
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-25

  • this is the twt that never ends, it goes on&on my friends, someppl started twt'n it not no'ing what it was&will keep twt'n it 4ever just b/c #
  • Ok – got my google wave but no one to 'wave' with… tweet me your google wave account so we can wave! #
  • send me a wave!!! my google wave id: #
  • @brokenjpg add me – in reply to brokenjpg #
  • @damnELECTRIC @jaysonkingsbeer – my gwave addy is in reply to damnELECTRIC #
  • @nicolejensen following ya here on twitter (spoke with you over google wave) #
  • People won't remember what you said or did – but they will remember how you made them feel #
  • @ababyconnection awesome – I'll be looking for more tweets from you now that your cell phone is setup!!! in reply to ababyconnection #
  • just had dinner with the family – now its time for java class… I wish it were a cup of java instead… I'm falling asleep! #
  • I've been running Windows 7 for several months now – Its not bad… #
  • New MAC ads have no bite – they almost sound worried to me… I have a MAC and a Windows 7 box – I think Windows 7 is a great improvement #
  • Good Sunday Morning People! #

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