My Weight Loss myThoughts

Putting it all together

Well, tonight I stayed home from church to get some work done, but I also got a chance to clean out the spare room and put my brand new Blowflex Revolution together!  I’m still waiting on the accessory rack and the work mat.  After putting it together, I know how much I need the accessory rack – I have parts everywhere.  Zander helped me put it together – he was very excited to do so.

Now that my home gym is together, lets see if I can get my act together…

2 replies on “Putting it all together”

I wish you well as you tackle the challenge of getting into shape.

Recently several friends and acquaintances have been hospitalized or laid up due to somewhat simple problems made worse by excessive weight. One friend who had back surgery sustained an injury during physical therapy because the therapist could not handle my friend’s weight. Another who was in the hospital for back problems caused by weight got bonked on the head because her weight made it hard for the orderlies to manuver her.

I mention this in the hope of providing further encouragement and motivation, Dale. Whatever physical problems come your way – and nature will make sure that they do – your body’s ability to deal with them will be enhanced with every excess pound you shed.

Good luck, and may blessings be abundant on your journey.

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