
I Need Your Help! (Update)

UPDATE: Thanks for all your help (those of you that replied) – I’ve made a few minor changes to the font size on the links and on the calendar that should fix the sidebar placement.  If you are still having trouble, please post a reply or comment.  Thanks…

I’m having some trouble with my website, and I’m trying to find out just how big an issue it is.  I need to know if you can see sidebar (the Google Link, Calendar, Search Bar ect) to the right hand side of this post or are that at the bottom of the page.  Please post a comment with the browser you are using (Microsoft’s IE, Netscape, Firefox, etc) and if you can the version number, plus where the sidebar is on your page.  Its supposed to be to the right, but on some browsers its showing up at the bottom… Thanks…


Splat! – Well, Almost

Just picture this, a 300lb guy on a bike going about 30 mph down a very steep hill through an intersection, when a car in the right hand lane makes a right hand turn right in front of the 300lb guy on a bike going 30 mph…