Events myThoughts


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Go Vote!

There are many issues on the AZ ballot as I am sure there are many on your ballot as well.  We have a proposition to outlaw smoking in publicly accessible places (like restaurants and bars) as well as a prop to make it against the law to have a pig in a pig pin (animal cruelty).  There is a prop to raise minimum wage, several new taxes, as well as grant our great cities and towns the right to draw more credit (go into debt) where more taxes are not available.  If you don’t vote, you cannot be heard.

I know there are those out there that would say, “my vote doesn’t count so I don’t bother”.  To that I say, “Shame on you!”  Chances are you won’t win the lottery but I will bet dollars to doughnuts that if you don’t play, you cannot win.  Same rules apply – maybe you are right and your vote won’t be heard – maybe — but I can promise that if you don’t vote your voice won’t be heard.

Do you want more taxes?  Do you want money taken away from programs you support?  Do you want someone to tell you how to define marriage?  Do you want to defend traditional marriage?  Maybe you were not able to serve your country in the armed forces, but you can certainly serve your nation by getting out to vote!

Family My Weight Loss myThoughts

Shedding Light (instead of pounds)

You have noticed that I stopped posting for about a week.  You may have noticed that I didn’t update “Weekly Update…” this week either.  I want to shed some light on the events over the last two weeks or so to explain my absence.  Bear with me as I’m going to throw a lot of unconnected information at you and I am not going into detail on most of it (not to keep it personal, but because it would just be a boring read)…


Downhill Fast (having nothing to do with cycling)

I haven’t been in here and a while and I cannot seem to get this to work remotely. Not sure why. Money is tight, I am still in OH, and I am still much larger than I want to be. I am behind about 45 chapters in my bible reading. Which is better than I was… Anyway, I hate that I haven’t written in a while. I am putting a lot of my thoughts onto Jason’s bible forum. I should download it and put them here as well. I’m falling asleep, so nite.

Later, Same Day…


I just read my last entry in April. I have an update – I did not get the raise I asked for, I have not successfully plugged into lay leadership as I had hoped, we are not still geocaching on a weekly basis. Suprised? I’m not. forgive me, but I’m not in a great mood and I don’t currently see a bright future…